We've all heard the scripture Love is
Patient, Love is Kind from
1st Corinthians...it's on
plaques at Home Goods, it's tattooed, it's proclaimed at weddings.
Because God
is Love, you can easily replace the word Love with
God...God is Patient, God is Kind...It offers a guide line for
Christians in this crazy world.. it gives us some elevated way to
live our life but so often we miss the mark. However, looking back,
I realized how closely my Mom lived this guideline. She had every
opportunity to shake her fist at God, become bitter, angry, empty of
love, instead, she radiated this way of life. Mastered it. Let me
show you how well she loved.
Love is Patient: Every Thanksgiving I
reach my boiling point when I make the final dish..gravy. It never
thickened quickly enough, turkey growing cold, bellies rumbling, I
frantically whisk and whisk until Mom stepped in and took the weapon
out of my grip and relinquished me of my beatings. Sure enough, with
her love and attention, the gravy thickened and dinner began. She
was patient.
Love is Kind: Recently going thru every
single thank you card she ever kept, I saw countless notes from new
parents thanking her for her kindness and gentle spirit as she
lovingly ushered their newborn into this world. I'm pretty sure it
made her the best Nurse ever. (although racing me around the dining
room table with the immunizations she could bring home definitely
didn't feel kind at the moment). She was kind.
Love does not envy or boast: Whatever
she had she gave to others. If she had two pennies, she'd give you
both. She spoke sweet stories of her friend, Karen and her amazingly
decorated house and themed tabletops. I often wondered if she left
deflated, thinking she didn't have an equally trimmed home, but she
remained joyful for Karen's skills, she was very proud of her dearest
friend. She was never ungrateful or jealous. She did not envy.
Love is not proud: She never spoke as
if she was better than another. She carried herself oftentimes as
lower than those around her...an unsung hero. There was nothing
beneath her...quick to change a soiled diaper, open to take in
stranded family members, she gave all of her time and energy to help
raise, organize, nurture, and tidy up our family. She was not proud.
Love is not rude: I think I can speak
for everyone here in agreement that she never spoke a rude word. I
never heard a curse word uttered, never a discouraging word, never
demeaning. I know I certainly have and when I slipped in her
presence, she would hum her signature calming tune. (insert hum...)
Subconscious or not, it always changed the atmosphere. She was not
Love is not self-seeking: ..she always
took second place..sometimes third or fourth. Quiet and
unassuming...a wonder woman in disguise. Mom never put herself
first...always made dinner plates for every single family member
before serving herself. Let her children use her car and found her
own ride to work. Instead of resting, she would take Grandma on
errands and doctor appointments. She was never self-seeking.
Love is not easily angered: Not once
did I see her angry. When her father was shot in a liquor store
robbery, the evening news briefly highlighted the event and Bryan and
I were too loud playing nearby...or more likely fighting...and she
rushed out frustrated that she couldn't hear the broadcast. Looking
back, I gladly would have taken a spanking...but she contained
herself. Knowing all that we three children put her thru, she
contained herself like a saint! She was certainly not easily angered.
Love keeps no record of wrongs: Bryan,
Jody and I have a laundry list of wrongs...all long forgiven...she
certainly never rubbed our noses in it. She loved us in spite of our
faults. She loved us equally, never judging. We all have a lot to
learn from her. She kept no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but
rejoices in truth: You could look at the Cancer within her as
evil..as a beast. I certainly did. Instead, she looked at the path of
her life as only drawing nearer to her proper home. For months now
she has been joyful about seeing Heaven...Seeing God, Jesus, reunited
with her father, her mother, her sister. And at 1: 46am on January
2, I know she truly was rejoicing in that truth.
Love always protects, trusts, hopes,
and perseveres. She fought nobly, without complaint for 16
years...If that's not perseverance, I don't know what is. She sat
for 6 long hours with chemo drips contently listening to Luke Bryan.
As a Nurse, she was fully aware of her odds, but she always trusted
and hoped for one additional day. I think she got that and much
more. She always trusted, always hoped, always perservered.
Love never fails: Even in death, her
love remains. Stuart Scott of ESPN passed two days after my Mother
and spoke such profound words that resonated in my core and really
speaks volumes about how she lived. He said, “ When you die, it
doesn't mean you loose to Cancer. You beat Cancer by how you
live, why you live, and the manner in which you live.”
She never failed. She never stopped loving. She beat Cancer by
loving until her very last breath.
The Love is Patient guideline scripture
ends with Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.
I know the greatest legacy she could possibly leave behind is to
encourage us all to love..Love better, love more, love harder, love
more often, love when it hurts, love when you really want to kick,
Love yourself, love the unlovable, love that annoying person because
they need it more, love with every ounce of your being, love every
single person that touches your life. She sure did.