Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Strength is Given

The morning duties are done…lunches packed, parting kisses delivered, dog fed and his morning bathroom visit completed, a mind clearing walk behind me and I sit, obedient to Wednesday writing.  The flurry of distraction hovers…so many other chores to complete, tasks unfinished, why the wasteful writing? Because it clears the flurry.  Too many noises in my brain, my typical response would be to rush, sloppily accomplish as many things as possible.  Instead, I find a comfy spot and breathe…calmly inhale, relax the eyes, purposefully exhale, legs melt into the floor, mentally sticky note any distractions.  Waiting patiently for the right words, guidance for today…and there she is, Wisdom graces me like a dove. 

Strength is given not in proportion to the person, but in relation to the task at hand.

Today, he gives me small amounts of strength simply because I’m not meant to move the world at this moment.  Tomorrow is a new day.  What relief. Another big exhale.

I’m no different, nothing special all on my own...there are, however, big things on my wish list: souls I want to uplift, words I want to speak, lives I wish to prosper.  It’s no surprise to the Big Guy, as He put the desire there in the first place.   He’s bringing the right people, putting me in the right situations, preparing hearts and paving the way.  In that perfect moment, He’ll give me all the strength and wisdom I need.  But for now, I inhale, I exhale, all done in perfect timing. My deep calm is interrupted by the metallic clanging of Charlie’s collar tags…then a curious, sand-paper lick.  My time is up.  Calmer than before, I sit again to write. 

Friday, August 25, 2017

Simply Sad - A Rant for Hateful Women

Some women find pure joy in the futile attempt to inflict damage and destruction on other women. I’m not surprised…just disappointed. A dear friend shared with me the whispers that her marriage was headed for divorce as told to others by her cleaning lady.  She has neither a cleaning lady nor any ounce of trouble with her marriage.  It was the crafty lie of a woman, perhaps several women.

I have zero time or tolerance for such petty, wasteful chatter.  Where do some ladies find the time to mentally craft then spread such vile untruths? Perhaps they believe their lies will give them weight or worthiness with their friends? Maybe they want to be seen as the ‘one in the know’? Perhaps they simply find joy in the attempted destruction of another woman?  My brain doesn’t work like that….so what I’ve compiled instead, is a handy list of suggestions these sorts of women could follow to fill their mind and lives with a better replacement:

1)      Get a hobby. Any hobby.  Watercolors, knitting, crocheting, adult coloring books, reading, walking, running, gardening, yoga, dog walking, quilting, weight-lifting, kite-flying, hiking, kayaking, fishing, heck, collecting rocks…anything to fill your time with something useful, something productive, something that will bring you peace and joy.
2)      Volunteer.  This world has need at every corner.  Find a need and fill it.  Bring food to a elderly neighbor, donate food to a local shelter, volunteer at said local food shelter on distribution day, help process clothing donations at local shelters, make copies at your church, get out of your house and out of your head and help another.  It will change you, I promise.

3)      Get some Jesus.  Fill that heart with love and light and it’ll change how you think, how you see others, how you act, walk, talk.  It’ll change everything. Maybe that’s the ultimate issue…change is scary, it may uproot your friend network, it may inspire you to change jobs, it may totally upset your cart…in the end, it’s a better alternative.

I send love to my dear friend, her tender wounds, and her growing disillusionment towards other women.  She is strong, but sad.  I package up the hateful words with a neat and tidy bow and send them directly back to her enemies with much Love and much Light. You may believe you're strong, but you are simply sad. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Pursuit of Pretty

Contemplating Pretty recently and it dawned on me that as much as we pursue it, it isn’t the most ideal end game.  Consider all the ‘points of pretty’:

 It fades.  Today’s pretty is not tomorrow’s pretty.  It’s an ever moving target that is never fully attainable, forever just barely out of reach. 

There will always be someone prettier. Somewhat satisfied with your hair, someone else will have prettier eyes, and another will have prettier legs, and on and on til the break of dawn. Never fully satisfied with self, another will always be better.

It’s surface level.  There are sad quantities of stunning ladies that are dark on the interior…only a matter of time before the inside matches the outside.  It’s a rare and beautiful thing to find someone equally beautiful inside and out.  

Shifting my thoughts to a better alternative, Authenticity, isn’t it a better option to simply be authentic to yourself, showing the world the true you?  But then, what if the true authentic you is a true authentic jerk?  The world surely doesn’t need another jerk any more than it needs a surface level pretty face. 

What is the ultimate and necessary end game?  I’ve come to realize in this moment that the answer is to Be Kind.  Be Kind to yourself, your tribe, your community, your world. Be Kind with your time, your thoughts, your words.  Be Kind with all who cross your path, each day and in every moment.  Give more kindness than you take.  Give more kindness than you receive (ouch…that’s a toughie). Give more kindness than you see others giving…create a new bar of kindness. 

At nearly 45 years on this Earth, I’m shifting from the Pursuit of Pretty to a Revolution of Kindness.