Finding balance between frantic busy-ness and depressed lethargy. Last week, I was at both spectrums...sometimes both in one day. This week, I sought a happy medium. Shifting gears to slow or speed as needed. It would be so much easier to just stay in bed, curl up with the pup, close eyes and listen to the wind. Motivation is low most days, but realizing things simply must get done, I make myself do it anyway. Didn't feel like making dinner, do it anyway. Didn't feel like making conversation with friends, do it anyway. Didn't feel like cleaning or doing bills, do it anyway. At some point, my arms were moving, words were spilling out, mind was active and I was enjoying myself. I allowed myself one tear-filled, bummer of a day and then pulled on my big-girl panties. Until I discover my new 'normal', I will do it anyway.

This week, I'm making happy spaces at home. Decluttering and Spring cleaning, I find myself drifting thru rooms sorting, pulling, pitching. Sorting Mom's stuff proved that inspires selective intention with those items I surround myself with. Items without a purpose or that no longer bring joy were donated or sold. Tim says I'm organizing as if I was dying. Still working on that 'happy medium'.
Quite content to stay in my jammies all day, I rallied and enjoyed dinner with friends. It proved a grand surprise....uplifting chatter, speaking words of praise, sweet confirmations all around. No gossip, no slander, not one negative word. Contagious...each woman wanted to add something to sweeten the pot. Returned home filled to the brim and craving more.
Still working on that balance, seeking that happy medium. When to speak, when to be quiet. When to be still, and when to move. Normal, everyday decisions now taking on a more elevated purpose. A constant renewing of the mind to listen for that still, small voice so that everything is done with love. Love for my family, my friends, my self.
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