95% of the time I am full of joy and
cheer. The balance are my yuck days. Days I don't feel like doing
anything, much rather stay in bed days. I wonder sometimes if it's
depression. In my happy cycle, I'm effective, organized, on point.
In the other cycle, I carry loads of 'I don't wannas'. Unmotivated
to do any task. My dad often stares into oblivion. I click my
fingers to awaken him and he travels back from wherever he was
I recently found myself staring as well.
I recently found myself staring as well.

Until recently, I was a very angry
I carried a lot of negative energy
towards the choices my Dad made. I couldn't understand why he lived
by such a different definition of love. Visibly upset years ago, he
expressed that he wished he had been around more when we were
younger. Still, he chose to remain in an all consuming hobby of a
job that never supported the family. In my mind, he chose the store
over me. He chose the store
over my Mom. His decision required Mom
to work long hours. The bottom line is that it created a very angry
Lisa. One that didn't want to travel down to visit. One that
treated her husband who once reminded her of her bubbly father as
suddenly sub-par when the daddy bubble burst. One that didn't want
to communicate with her far-off family.
I had the pleasure of meeting a dear
lady that taught me that we don't need to carry others consequences.
Basically let them own their own stuff. (ok, so she said a different
word..). I can only live my life the best way I can based on current
knowledge and they must do the same. In the process, their
definition might be completely different. His definition of love is
completely different than mine....and I'm learning to be satisfied
with that. The anger is slowly departing. It was never mine to
carry, I just picked it up along the way by mistake.
So, now you have a mildly depressed, angry image of Lisa...not quite the bubbly, cheerful image I present every day. I am ridiculously blessed to have a husband that thinks I wear a crown, and children that make me proud every single day. It makes me wonder, however...how many others are walking around behind a mask? Building, maintaining and presenting a front for everyone to make their life appear content, healthy, joy-filled, “normal”, meanwhile covering deep pain.
I enjoyed the company of a room full of
friends and strangers this weekend and looking around, I considered
how many others are dealing with pain, hurt, disappointment, illness,
anger, depression, abuse. The pain options become endless.
I will start by loving
myself...accepting my imperfection, appreciating every moment...and
when I have my 5% days, I will show myself Grace. Only then, can I
show and share love with every person that God places in my path.
Showing love....one imperfect person at a time.
Good stuff. Powerful and poetic. Keep writing from the heart. You are beautiful.