Another tender soul has succumb to
Cancer. Last week, a young mother of two took her final breath after
a long battle with the beast. She had an infectious smile, one that
would travel up her cheeks and settle into her eyes with a twinkle.
Wishing for more time, I had only two short evenings with her. But
that's all you needed to love her so.
It stirs up too familiar feelings...why
does Cancer seem to feast on the bright lights of this world? More
generic, why do bad things happen to good people? It seems the truly
evil, and even mildly naughty often manage a clear bill. I know a
few people that would deserve such justice. But thankfully, I'm not
sovereign, I don't make the rules. Perhaps the good ones have
learned life's lesson early and no longer need to suffer here. Their
reward awaits on the other side. Mean while, the rest of us need
more training. What if this world is simply training grounds for
something better? What if this place we call home is simply a
pit-stop? Plucked from it like a carnival claw game if you've managed
to live a righteous life despite your circumstances? Overcome with
sadness among those left behind, but ultimately we're moving
thru our own test?

She, like so many others I know, lived
a life of love. There was struggle and sadness, but the common
thread is that they focused on the thin as it appeared
at times. More of us should lift our eyes to that
goal...stretching and reaching for the positive in this desperate
world. Linda, Bill, Carol, Kim, Tom, Gerald...I want to live like
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