Thursday, December 18, 2014


When I was close to delivering both children, I would get this burst of motivation mixed with energy and in a scurry of productivity I'd clean and organize every surrounding thing. It's something that seems to be common among new moms bringing a new life into the world. I'm learning it seems very common among seasoned moms soon leaving this world, as well. On a recent visit, Mom eagerly asked for help cleaning out closets...bagging up clothing that no longer fit due to drastic weight loss. More recently, she's been purging all bookshelves. Boxes of books are destined for Goodwill. Ancient encyclopedias are set out for recycling. From my perspective it seems futile and a poor waste of precious time. But what's important to her is now important to me, so I oblige. She joked that she didn't want another woman to come and think she was a poor housekeeper. I would quite literally tackle anyone that made that claim, but it did shed some light on her new nesting obsession. Is she concerned about visitors opinions while she is sick or even those that might visit once she is gone? Does she realize that my father won't be able to purge anything on his own? More disconcerting, is she worried Dad will too quickly find a replacement?

This week, her task list has become more widespread. She is attempting to reduce a lifetime of 'stuff' in the few short energy-filled morning hours. She requests one task, then mid-stream she shifts focus and wants another task completed instead. I picture her drowning in tasks and desperately grasping for solid ground...start here, no wait, now this is more important. Frantic. Afraid. She can't control how she feels or how rampant the beast grows, but she can take charge of the piles. The purge-happy gal I am wants to rent a dumpster, pitch it all, then finally let her be still and rest. Done. But like a true nesting Mom, she'd simply find some other task to accomplish. Sadly, however, at least the pregnant mother has the newborn to celebrate. The seasoned moms leaving this world are nesting for nothing.

1 comment:

  1. She's preparing even if she gets disracted. Clearingxout and cleaning up. Probably like telingcyou as children to clean your rooms. She's easing the burden onx those she will leave behind, and maybe reminiscing in hwr heart.
