in as smoothie-maker / tea-brewer at my favorite local tea shop. Always amazed at the variety of customers it drawls, I enjoy making conversations and spreading more joy. I whip up their order, they smile, say thank you and are off to pursue the rest of their day hopefully a bit happier. This week, however, I encountered a customer of a different sort... uber needy, self-aggrandizing, with some un-nameable underlying dark force. Life certainly would be pretty grand if you only dealt with unicorns and rainbows every day, but I suppose one dark apple in the bunch is manageable. I refused to allow her energy to permeate my happy space and moved on. Not allowing drama to become my own. Deep tea shop lessons...
Tea shop hours also provided time with the local homeless lady, Ms. A. Can't even fathom the darkness she encounters on a daily basis. Scattered and random joy with a solid base of self-preservation. She shuffles in, her bag dripping some milky substance and desperately needing a bath. Abandoning all judgment and side-barring all chores, I elbow up to the counter and greet her with a tentative smile...testing the waters and not wanting to bombard her with my syrupy happiness. She's tired, in pain from an arthritic knee and needs something to cut the chill. Warm tea seems to help. I listen and nod...her stories rich, decorated with her own vocabulary. I wonder if they hold truth or if they are her own imaginings, her own reality. I wonder how she'd receive a care package of street goodies...she seems too proud to accept help. I wonder what brought her to the York streets...aren't we all just a few decisions away from the same fate? She reports that she always feels content when she visits...not happy or loved because that would be too "kinky"...a place to warm her bones, use a safe bathroom and receive a smile.
And THEN....I got to baby-sit the most adorable little babe all day Wednesday! She sat on my lap, so content, so trusting, completely reliant on me for the afternoon. Of course, the mental queue started to scroll....could I switch loads of laundry, vacuum, prepare dinner, call my Dad...but instead, I savor her. She drifts off...eyes so heavy, arms completely limp and the sound of rain hitting glass enters awareness. Then I watch a robin and a cardinal search the frozen ground for food...normally too busy to witness these simple yet sweet things, I savor them. She stirs as if dreaming..what does someone so new to this world possibly dream about? We're both most content when my cheek rests on her forehead. That sweet smell of baby...I savored it.