Thursday, January 21, 2016


When I am most quiet....body still, breathing slow....I hear that still small voice answering some of my deepest thoughts.  I hold dear those quiet Godspeak moments. Once, when teaching Sunday school, unable to explain the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) His child-like answer made complete sense...Playdo is still Playdo whether in three balls or one. Realizing deep thoughts don't always require complex explanations...thankful for His sweet and simple solutions.

This week, another complex thought to so many different personalities at our local clothing ministry (aka the Closet) led me to wonder if God is the same past, present, and future and is housed in each person that accepts Him, why then do Christians act so vastly different? Expecting a common insight in each of us, but often falling short. I posed this question to Him one morning and the answer came so simply. He remains the same in our inner most's the container that differs. Some host Him in fragile temples, susceptible to the most sensitive of influences, others offer an impenetrable fortress, hard and treacherous to navigate. Some have temples so abused by the world that they carry pain in their eyes. Some carry God around like an expensive, trendy purse. While others hide him so deeply inside, you'd never know He was there. I suppose the trick is finding that sweet God spot in each person...that Holy common ground. What a different world it would be if we weren't afraid to share and show that God spot more often...more compassion, more joy, more of that sacred peace that surpasses all understanding.  Til then, I'll seek out quiet and wait for more Godspeak moments.

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