In a deep dig to find the true meaning of Love, I was giddy
to see Kindness was next up. Kindness comes so naturally to me. A smile to a
stranger, a door held open, and paying for the next car in line at Starbucks is
light and fluffy and oh so simple. All
surface level stuff, though, I realized upon closer look. Googling Kindness in Scripture, the first hit
revealed Don’t Grow Weary in Doing Good. Have I ever grown weary in being Kind? For sure. Often. It’s so simple to offer up kindness
towards someone that I connect with, a kindred spirit, or someone to admire.
BUT. To those I disagree, conflict with, or who grate my soul, there is no
kindness to spare. Notoriously, I
withdraw and withhold kindness from those sorts. It’s not as if I’m blatantly unkind, more like
the switch of interaction is turned off all together. They will not receive a
glance, a nod, a smile, an ear. Ouch. Wanting
to save the best of me for the best around me, seemed noble at the time. While I’m in full disclosure, I’ve have often
used the ‘don’t cast your pearls before swine’ in a convenient way to curb
interaction…so many missed opportunities to be kind.
Stretching to fit inside this corrected definition of Love,
it seems being Kind should include those I’ve distanced. I’ve known it down deep all along…it’s just
so much easier to be selective. But there’s
a more authentic version of Kindness I’m missing. My mind is screaming ‘I don’t wanna’… what if
they don’t receive my kindness, or what if they don’t respond the way I expect?
There’s nothing that says be kind only
to those that receive it well. Kindness
leaves me with a satisfied, content, proud vibe and that’s the medicine I want
to ingest daily. How they respond is not
my battle.
A second Google search on Scripture Kindness revealed it’s something
that needs to be put on. Action words
here. Kindness isn’t always a natural, inborn
thing. It’s something which needs to be
picked up, dusted off (especially in the case of those I’ve distanced), and
thrown on. My kindness cloak clearly needs an upgrade and extension.
And I thought Kindness would be the easiest.