Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Liebster Award Winner!

It seems I've been nominated for a Liebster Blogging Award! Now don't go getting all impressed...it's more of a blogging chain letter akin to the sharing of friendship bread starters and recipe emails. Nominated by my very awe-inspiring not-sure-how-she-does-it-all bestie, Cara Achterberg of carawrites.com , anothergooddog.wordpress.com , kidfriendlyorganiclife.blogspot.com , themamaload.blogspot.com , and published author of Live Intentionally and I'm Not Her. She inspires me to write and thinks I do a pretty decent job of it myself, so I'm playing along.

I'll answer her ten questions, nominate other blogs (allowing you to investigate my favorite blogs), giving them ten new questions. Here goes:

  1. Name three things you would buy if you had won the latest Powerball lottery that went to 1.5 billion.
After secretly dispersing funds to extended family members (nurturing our poor roots) and donating ridiculous amounts to the York Regional Dream Center, HOPE, and Denton Hospice, I'd pay a professional to restore my beloved '67 Mustang, fulfill my bucket list desire by securing a lifetime spot as the Baltimore Ravens mascot Poe allowing me to act anonymously silly forever, then explore every continent with my husband and children.

  1. Which Winnie-the-Pooh character are you?

My first instinct is Piglet because he's so cute and pink, but upon further reflection, he's quite timid and negative. I've never been a Tigger (Ritalin) or an Eeyore (Prozac), my personality best leans toward Pooh...always willing to help with optimistic abandon, always willing and able to see the silver lining, and a lover of all things sweet. Yup..that's me.

  1. Why do you blog?

I started blogging to quickly communicate updates on Mom's condition as she passed from this world. I continued blogging for therapy in the months afterwards. There's something cathartic about having spinning thoughts manifest into letters and words...a release, a revelation. In the process, I'm honored to find that I help other souls to grow, heal, or relate.

  1. What's the best compliment someone can give your blog?

I often get the honorous compliment that people like my writing voice. I simply spill what's within. The best compliment is when I discover someone has connected to my content...a void filled, an inspired outlook. That's stuff for the soul, there.

  1. What was the last book you read & do you recommend it?

The last book I read was The Customer Rules by Lee Cockerell. I consumed and absorbed it. Heading into a new adventure serving the ladies of our area in a fresh, alternative way, The Customer Rules offered great insight on creating better ways to serve and support. I strongly recommend it to anyone that deals with humans.

  1. Are you a dog or cat person and why?

Our dog, Charlie, fully understands, appreciates and does not judge that I am not a dog person. I am certainly neither a cat person. With that said, when no one watches, I do offer the occasional belly rub and noggin pat. He's good stuff, doesn't chew my furniture or ruin the floors. He can stay.

  1. What is your latest writing project beyond the blog?

I recently started a second blog: silverliningsharings.wordpress.com to gather and share the phenomenal stories of women that have traveled thru heartache and emerged scarred but positive. Also gathering material for a third blog (top secret clearance required).

  1. Who would you most like to interview and blog about?

I'm a story gatherer...loving that part in conversation when you stop talking about the surface stuff and really talk about what's important..the stuff that scares you, the stuff that brings you joy. Everyone has a story, but for this question I'll go big...I'd love to interview Bono, Ree Drummond, Drew Barrymore, and my great Aunt Bootsie.

  1. What cool button do you wish your blog had?

I'm pretty much a Kindergartner when it comes to blogs, Cara has to keep me in line with what's proper and trendy. Dreaming big, it would be cool if thoughts tied with technology and left me a little tally of lingering post-read reflection and water cooler discussion. On the fun side, I'd love to have hand selected songs play in the background while you read my post.... AC/DC, U2, Hillsong!

  1. What do you eat/serve for dinner WAY more often than you should?

Running between sports and being the only person in the house that eats leftovers, I find cereal as the main course way more often than I am thrilled to report. Currently on day four of bean soup.

Ok...so that wasn't awful. Now it's time to list the next Liebster Award nominees:

  1. www.thepioneerwoman.com - Ree Drummond takes the best pictures, blogs, homeschools, has her own amazing line of cookbooks, a line of cookware at Walmart. I'd love to hear how she juggles everything.
  2. www.Onelittlemomma.comKilee is a super cute momma of four boys that hand creates the most amazing leather earrings (nickelandsuede.com) all while providing easy style advice and DIY tips on her blog.
  3. www.Mommyinheelsblog.com – Rebecca offers effortless style and owns my favorite downtown boutique: Elizabeth and West. Always adorable...even bravely posting a pic sans make-up!
  4. www.Beautyandtheboutique.com – Katie blogs and vlogs all things make-up and fashion...I relate to her constant desire to make women feel beautiful...plus she's British and I love listening to her lilt.

Ok...here are your ten questions nominees:

  1. What's your morning routine?
  2. What book have you read twice?
  3. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
  4. What is your favorite scripture, and why?
  5. Describe your perfect day.
  6. Name two guilty pleasures.
  7. If you were an OPI color, what would you be named?
  8. What is your go-to for de-stressing?
  9. Name one person you secretly wished read your blog.
  10. What do you love about blogging? What do you dislike?

To play along, here's what you have to do:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog in your post.
  2. Copy and paste the Liebster Award badge into the post.
  3. Answer the ten questions you were given when you were nominated.
  4. List ten questions you want your nominees to answer.
  5. Nominate other bloggers. Inform them by commenting on their blog with the news that they've just been nominated and there's no escape. Be sure to link your Liebster award post.

Thanks, Cara, for continuing to nudge my writing. xo

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