As the chapters progressed, however, I
was feeling convicted with regard to Mom's illness...if I had just
prayed more precisely, if I had commanded the Cancer to leave, if I
had more faith. But, like a good father, he answered my sad heart in
such a tender way...he offered me a flashback:
When Mom became very ill well after a
15 year battle, well after all of her immediate family had already
passed, well after years of injections, biopsies, toxins, and a bevy
of symptoms. I spoke to God for healing and clearly heard, “hasn't
she suffered enough?”. This world isn't Heaven but she surely made
the best of what she was given. I shifted my prayers quickly to
remove pain...please Lord, don't let her suffer. Please Lord, let her
go without fear. Please Lord, don't let her feel pain. In that moment,
I realized my prayers were clearly and lovingly answered. She left quietly,
without fear, and without pain. I'm thankful for that. It wasn't
that He couldn't rid her of her Cancer, it wasn't that I didn't pray
correctly or didn't have enough faith. It wasn't that my Mom didn't
have enough faith....God answered that she was ready to go home and
gently ushered her upward. He answered both of our prayers at once.
This tingling return of old-Lisa has
brought guilt, too...guilt that I am forgetting Mom, worry that I'm
forgetting to live like her and letting her death mean nothing. How
silly I am... how quickly I return to sorrow and ashes when I should
be remembering how faithful He was over her....over me. I am one
lucky girl to have had the honor of speaking to her of her beautiful
abode in Heaven...that she'd soon see him face to face....that she'll
finally be rewarded for all the unappreciated things she did. How
silly I am. The returning to Me doesn't have to mean forgetting Mom
and all the lessons I learned thru her passing. Those lessons are
bone deep...thankful for the gentle reminder this week of how
faithful He was and continues to be. I'll keep praying and trying to
learn how to better use my lightsaber.