Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Life Lessons over Guacamole

Recently, I shared guacamole with a sparkly woman I barely knew and was so blessed for it. Time stood still savoring her story…tragedy, darkness, health issues, addiction, family and relationship issues… things that often create victims instead became a launching point to build a victor.  The pivotal part of her story was finally realizing her worthiness….then the weeding began.  

One by one, she painfully plucked away all her cozy familiar vices, departed from toxic relationships, healing herself in the process. The hardest weeds seemed all too comfortable…her own personal crazy, there so long they seemed to define, deep and grounded, they weren’t easy to pull.  Beginning with a little pruning, then avoidance, but over time, realizing it only brought sadness, empathy, negativity, she gathered momentum and purged it for good. What remained was much lighter. 

She set some big, fat, hairy and scary goals and once passion was in place, the right opportunities flowed…in bucket loads.  Seems like the dark was holding her back all along, keeping her hidden, keeping her blinded. What a beautiful world she shares through her artful camera lens. 

She inspired me in many ways…to remember my worthiness, keeping a watchful eye on the weeds, the importance of passion, and finally, a sweet reminder that we all have a story…and if we sit still enough to listen, there is much to learn. 

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